Designer's Choice Special

Designer's Choice Special

from $61.00

A unique arrangement in our signature style that we won’t replicate for anyone else. These mixed arrangements are designer’s choice only. We get an assortment of mixed flowers and varieties in weekly, and a designer’s choice bouquet is the best way to get a good mix our best and most unique blooms of the week!

Is Designer’s Choice right for me?: The arrangement will have our signature style and aesthetic. This arrangement is perfect for customers who are fans of Casa De Flores’ design style and want to be wowed by what we can custom design for you. This item is not for customers who are unfamiliar with our work and have specific expectations. Remember: an artist works best when you let an artist be an artist!

The container for your design can very from trendy containers can range from glass vases, acrylic bowls, ceramic compote vases, crystal dishes, ceramic glazed containers, cardboard waterproof hat boxes like the ones you see all over Instagram as well as sturdy, reusable wooden decor box with assorted finishes.

If you have a special request on colors, flower type or container please add that in the additional comments section at checkout. We will do our best to accommodate special requests based on availability.

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